We Trade it.
The Group
Many years ago, we set out on a mission to create a European trading network by having a depot or office in each of the major fresh produce trading hubs.
We’ve now realised that ambitious goal with depots in Almeria, Evesham, Belfast and Spalding. We also have trading offices in Emmen in the north of the Netherlands, Rotterdam, Paddock Wood in Kent, Southport in Lancashire and Dublin.

Our Sites
Our Spanish depot has opened up export routes from Southern Spain into Northern Europe while our Emmen office has established a sizeable business in Europe, Scandinavia and the Baltic States.
The Rotterdam trading office is strategically located on one of the biggest produce industrial estates in Europe and nearby is the busiest port in Europe giving us access to globally-sourced produce.
Ireland has become our biggest export market from the UK and in the last financial year we supplied 55 customers throughout Ireland, many of them on a daily basis.
Tim O’Malley – Group Mangaing Director
In 2004 we set out on a strategy to develop a European trading network and what better place to start than the hub of the produce industry for Europe – Rotterdam. We now also have depots in the key European hubs of Almeria, Belfast and Evesham alongside trading offices throughout the UK mainland, Dublin and Emmen in the north of the Netherlands. This is the realisation of a dream that’s taken nearly 20 years to come to fruition. We’ve achieved our goal but we’re not resting on our laurels – we continue to develop our network further.